Display 1 - 40 hits of 1620.
abiword | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Lean and fast full-featured word processor | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-debug | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Debug information for package abiword | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-doc-de | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | German documentation and helpfiles for Abiword | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-doc-en | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | English documentation and helpfiles for Abiword | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-doc-fr | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | French documentation and helpfiles for Abiword | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-doc-pl | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Polish documentation and helpfiles for Abiword | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abicommand | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | This plugin offers a command line interface to AbiWord | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abidash | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin template for a notification style plugin | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abigimp | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Enables editing of your images in The GIMP | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abigochart | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to create Gnome Office charts | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abigrammar | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow grammar checking | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abimathview | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to import and edit MathML documents | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-abipsion | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin allowing import/export from Psion PDA | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-aiksaurus | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow abiword to connect with AikSaurus | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-babelfish | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow abiword to show babelfish translations | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-freetranslation | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow abiword to connect with freetranslation | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-gdict | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow abiword to use gdict | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-google | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugins allows Google search for selected text | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-graphics | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugins to allow abiword to import images | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-impexp | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugins to allow abiword to import file types from other wor | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-ots | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to summarize text | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-shell | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Enables redirection of shell output into AbiWord | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-urldict | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow abiword to use dict through a web browser | Mandriva 2007 |
abiword-plugin-wikipedia | 2.4.6-2mdv2007.1 | i586 | Plugin to allow abiword to connect with WikiPedia | Mandriva 2007 |
ant | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Ant build tool for java | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-antlr | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional antlr tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-apache-bcel | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional apache bcel tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-apache-bsf | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional apache bsf tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-apache-log4j | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional apache log4j tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-apache-oro | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional apache oro tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-apache-regexp | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional apache regexp tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-apache-resolver | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional apache resolver tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-commons-logging | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional commons logging tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-commons-net | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional commons net tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-debug | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Debug information for package ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-javadoc | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Javadoc for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-javamail | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional javamail tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-jdepend | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional jdepend tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-jmf | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional jmf tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |
ant-jsch | 1.7.1-7.0.2mdv2009.1 | i586 | Optional jsch tasks for ant | Mandriva 2009 |